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Nemesis1's Reward Points: 21

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Will women be imprisoned for having an illegal abortion?
4 Created Debate When you said Ridin with Biden, did you mean for $9 a gallon with empty shelves
1 Created Debate As someone who identifies as a commander, I am deeply offended
3 Added Argument Why do Republicans want brown Cuban refugees and Democrats don't?
1 Created Debate Hillary Clinton warned in 2009 of potential 'biological weapons N Wuhan lab
1 Added Argument Excon wants revenge on first race to end slavery while his race practices it still
1 Added Argument Should white Democrats lecture black Republicans about how they should think
5 Created Debate BLM is a movement about begging for acceptance from white folks
0 Added Argument I'm wondering why none of our resident Trumpers go to his SUPER SPREADER EVENTS?
1 Added Argument Th Bible is Blame for Racism
1 Added Argument Th Bible is Blame for Racism

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