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JatinNagpal's Reward Points: 2678

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Salvation
3 Added Argument Best quote for atheists who are former christians
1 Added Argument Liberals love Capitalism, yet want to destroy it. What?
1 Added Argument Willpower vs Physical strength
2 Added Argument Why do atheists think they are smart?
1 Added Argument what would be the present state of the world if western colonizations never took place?
1 Added Argument The world's problems can be attributed to sex.
1 Added Argument Linda Sarsour is a liar, a bs artist, a hypocrite, and an enemy of the U.S.
0 Added Argument Atheism is nonsense. The fine tuning of the universe argument
10 Added Argument do animals have consciousness?
1 Added Argument do animals have consciousness?
1 Added Argument Cold showers vs Hot showers

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